In the event of a security incident, our Rapid Response Force is available 24/7. 

Anticipate recovery with our Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Plan for the future, even in the event of a disaster: benefit from a robust Business Continuity Plan, ensuring the continuity of your business regarding various threats.

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35 %

Organizations that have invested in advanced cyber resilience capabilities have recorded
a 35% lower total cost for data breach than those who did not.
IBM Cyber Resilient Organization Report 2020

We support you in building and optimizing your DRP


Weak or non-existent IT resilience exposes companies to considerable risks. Firstly, is increased vulnerability to ransomware attacks, threatening data security and leading to significant financial costs. The resulting prolonged downtime and loss of productivity can disrupt the smooth running of businesses, leading to a confidence’s loss from customers and partners.

Following a cyber-attack, data recovery costs, including system restoration and legal consequences, can be exorbitant, impacting even the financial stability of the company.

Our support offer is based on the following 4 pillars, enabling you to acquire a high level of IT resilience through a clear and precise methodology.

  • Implementation of an asset classification methodology
  • Assessment of the resilience of your infrastructures using proven method expertise
  • Carrying out and managing back-up tests regarding your disaster recovery plan
  • Optimizing your IT resilience mechanisms

Your IT resilience challenges covered by our offer

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) assessment

  • Carry out an inventory of critical assets using a methodology known as “The 4 Pillars”
  • Drafting of an action plan prioritizing the areas of remediation
  • Present the status report to the business departments

Device review and upgrade

  • Review of the exercise preparation process;
  • Review of the steps prior to the exercises;
  • Planning and technical constraints linked to the exercises analysis.


  • Creation of Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) management tools;
  • Governance proposal for the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) run;
  • Animation and preparation of exercises;
  • Management of disaster recovery plan (DRP) exercises.

Continuous improvement

  • Optimization of disaster recovery plan tools;
  • Proposal for new scenarios to be covered;
  • Action plans follow-up;
  • Improved disaster recovery plan (DRP)

A proven methodology for dealing with new cyberthreats

Critical asset maturity audit

We support your teams in obtaining a clear view of the maturity of your critical assets in terms of Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), and in assessing the robustness of the systems.

Disaster recovery strategy

Our experts will guide you in drawing up or optimizing your Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) strategy, ensuring the continuity of your business in the event of a major disaster.

Conducting Disaster Recovery Plan exercises

We carry out exercises with your teams to test the validity of the PRA strategy, the associated failover procedures, validate the RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) values and test your backup strategy.

Our customer references

Due to its exposure and the nature of its businesses, information systems security is a key concern for banking organizations. Indeed, regarding strong regulatory constraints, it is now necessary to guarantee a high level of security and resilience to customer systems and infrastructures.

To improve its security, this client wanted to review its Disaster Recovery Plan.

Objectives & Challenges

Carry out a complete DRP strategy framework, including an assessment of the existing situation and the definition of a DRP strategy for a banking organization.

Support teams in drawing up a DRP to rebuild infrastructures in the event of a disaster, and to draw up technical plans for rebuilding and restoring infrastructures in response to the scenarios defined during the scoping phase.

Mission description:

  • Framework and assessment of existing situation
  • Definition of the DRP strategy
  • Application and infrastructure tipping point/reconstruction plan

Audit of IT resilience supported by infrastructures

Development of a disaster recovery strategy and implementation of a disaster recovery plan to test the previously deployed plan.


Objectives & Challenges

Define and maintain a DRP strategy

Deploy procedures and methodologies for DRP revalidation.

Ensure that the DRP covers scenarios involving the datacenter (physical) destruction, as well as logical destruction such as cyber-attacks or Ransomware.


Mission description:

  • Framework & Assessment of existing situation
  • Defining the DRP strategy
  • DRP Documentation & Procedure
  • DRP test

As a customer operating in a sensitive sector, that needs to be prepared for the growing cyber risks to which the group is exposed, and to protect against hardware failures and system breakdowns.

To achieve this, regular backups are at the heart of the customer’s strategy to guarantee business continuity and disaster recovery.

It is essential for the customer to guarantee that backups can be used, and their contents restored.

Objectives & Challenges

  • Protect customers against data corruption
    cyber incident recovery needs
  • Protect the Group against hardware and system failures

Mission description:

  • Consideration of existing systems
  • Review of backup strategy, policies, and plans in place
  • Detailed review and recommendations
  • Office 365 and specific backup
  • Performance monitoring
  • Backup strategy to a single solution


What's the difference between a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and an IT Continuity Plan (ICP)?

A BCP (Business Continuity Plan) evaluates scenarios linked to critical business activities and defines and implements the appropriate preventive measures.
An ICP (IT Continuity Plan) deals with critical elements of the IT system, defines and implements the appropriate preventive measures.

Does the increasing deployment of cloud services with high levels of availability make it necessary to have a Disaster Recovery Plan and restore tests?

Cloud deployment with highly available services offers increased resilience but does not dispense having a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and recovery testing. Major incidents, comprehensive IT environment management, compliance requirements and unplanned scenarios justify the ongoing need for a DRP to ensure full preparedness and effective disaster recovery.

What role does IT resilience play within operational resilience?

IT resilience plays an essential role in operational resilience, guaranteeing the continuity of IT activities in the face of major incidents or disasters. It encompasses incident planning, preparation, and response, ensuring system availability, data protection and fast business recovery in the event of a disaster. IT resilience is therefore considered a fundamental pillar of operational resilience.

What future for on-premises sites hosting business’ critical applications?"

The future of on-premises sites hosting business’ critical applications continue to be influenced by fast evolving technologies. While many companies are embracing the cloud for its flexibility, some are expected to maintain on-premises infrastructures for security, compliance, or specific performance reasons. The trend towards hybridization, combining on-premises and cloud environments, could prevail, enabling companies to leverage the benefits of both approaches according to their specific needs.

Is deploying a comprehensive IT resilience strategy in my company worth the cost?"'

Investments in IT resilience offer essential protection against disasters, cyber-attacks, and costly downtimes. Considering the growing risks associated with cybersecurity and business interruptions, the long-term benefits of well-implemented IT resilience significantly exceed the initial costs.

Let's stay in touch

Our experts can provide you with ongoing support for your cyber issues. Do you have a question? You’ve come to the right place, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!

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