In the event of a security incident, our Rapid Response Force is available 24/7. 


Formind is a human scale company, putting its employees first thanks to the proximity, personalized support and friendly atmosphere that prevails in our offices.

Strong values


Each "Forminder" is invited to step out of their comfort zone, and has the right to make mistakes, in the knowledge that every error offers an opportunity to learn and improve. This kindness leads us to always listen and act in a measured way.


The ambition we place on our offers and on each project enables us to rise quickly and steadily to the highest level. We aim to be proud of every production, deliverable or presentation.


Any action taken is carried through to the end, despite any difficulties that may arise. This commitment leads us to formalize, validate and monitor every action taken, under the responsibility of a project leader, in complete transparency.

A human scale company

In 2024, for the 8th consecutive year, Formind was awarded the “Happy At Work” label, which testifies to the well-being of all employees within the company.

Overall rating: 4.02/5

Formind, the
place to be…

Our CSR approach

Beyond our values and the development of our know-how, we have committed to a collective and ambitious CSR approach, convinced that we can have a positive impact on our society.

  • Responsible management of electronic waste,
  • Reducing paper waste through a “paperless” office policy,
  • Mugs and water bottles to limit the use of plastic cups,
  • To make all our staff aware of the importance of taking daily, concrete actions, we have introduced an Environmental Charter. Its aim is to remind us of the essential steps we can take to preserve our environment.
  • With sobriety at the heart of environmental debates, our Forminders organize climate murals, take part in an annual waste collection day, and contribute to various awareness-raising actions through challenges.

The diversity of our talents

We believe in the diversity of our talents. This diversity is a major asset, powering the creation of a genuine collective intelligence leading to innovation and performance. Here are a few of our initiatives:

  • The Cybergirls CEFCYS member
  • Recruitment of senior and junior profiles, notably through educational partnerships with schools (INSA, Centrale Supelec, Paris Tech, Oteria Cyber School…), as well as our participation in the Salon du Handicap to promote inclusive recruitment.
  • Confirmed recognition
    Formind is a partner of Simplon and Microsoft in their drive to train new talents in the cybersecurity field and welcomes to its offices co-op students currently undergoing training at the Microsoft by CyberSchool.
  • Formind is committed to gender equality!
    At Formind, we make a point of applying egalitarian and non-discriminatory recruitment, remuneration and career development policies: as a result, we have achieved a score of 87%* in our Gender Equality Index 2023. Formind even goes beyond its legal obligations by supporting the in-house Cybergirls initiative, which aims to promote the image of women in cybersecurity!

To improve our M/F Index, we have set ourselves the goal of reducing the pay gap between men and women and promoting women to positions of responsibility.

*Formind obtained the following results: Pay gap indicator: 39 / Individual increase rate gap indicator: 35 / Return from maternity leave indicator: not calculable / High pay indicator: 0

Well-being at work

is a fundamental value for us

We offer kindergarten slots through the “Les Petits Chaperons Rouges” program.

Our in-house training organization, the Formind Academy, supports our employees in their skills development.

Formind encourages all kinds of initiatives from its employees.

We signed a “Code of Ethics” charter that covers a range of issues, including harassment. This charter includes measures enabling employees to recognize risky situations and act accordingly.

Engaged in volunteering associations

Every year, we redistribute a part of our profits to the Resto du Cœur and Lazare.

We also donate our computers and telephones to the Association Entraide et Solidarité in Bertoua. When these devices are no longer functional, we dispose of them responsibly by sending them to the EEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment) waste recycling network.

We are a partner and sponsor of the Rugby Olympic Club Bruzois.
We believe in the strong values conveyed by team sports in general, and rugby in particular:
team spirit, respect, conviviality and courage.

As a partner, we also support the French Flair Rugby Association.
This association includes over fifty former international players who use their professional and media networks to raise funds and collect equipment for children living in disadvantaged areas of the world.

Formind is hiring!

If you’re ready to join the Formind adventure and contribute to our development, send us your application!

Apply Spontaneous application