In the event of a security incident, our Rapid Response Force is available 24/7. 

Have confidence in your industrial system in the face of cyber risks

Industrial safety is one of our core concerns. We are committed to help you manage your cyber risks and protect your industrial facilities, to guarantee the safety of your operations and the protection of your environment.

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30 %

In 2023, the industry field is facing increased risks, with industrial safety incidents up by 30% on the previous five years.
Global Industrial Safety Report 2023

Industrial Risk Management Strategies: an absolute necessity

In an ever-changing industrial world, industrial risk management is more essential than ever to safeguard people, processes, and the environment. Facing a wide range of risks, from technological accidents to natural disasters and cyber-attacks, companies need a robust risk management strategy. To achieve this, we adopt a methodical and structured approach:

  • Identify: Recognition of critical assets, potential threats and existing vulnerabilities.
  • Analysis: Understanding possible consequences and assessing the likelihood of risks, using qualitative and quantitative methods.
  • Assess: Determining the criticality of risks to build a coherent control strategy.
  • Treatment: Implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, based on cost-benefit analysis and investment capacity.

Our aim is to make this approach accessible and pragmatic, thanks to operational teaching and comprehensive support. Our team of experts, specialized in GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) in the industrial sector, draws on proven methodologies, significant experience in systems certification and in-depth knowledge of various industrial sectors and technologies.

With a global approach, we not only guarantee improved industrial safety, but also optimized performances and significant reductions of risk-related costs. Our mission is to help you build a safer, more resilient and sustainable industry.

Pillars of integrated industrial risk management

Securing and optimizing industrial processes

We guide you in optimising your industrial risk management processes, adapting our approach to your specific context for continuous improvements in terms of organization, methodology and follow-up.

Risk analysis expertise

Our dedicated team will assist you in the detailed analysis of your industrial risks, guaranteeing informed decision-making and strategic alignment of your safety investments.

Alignment with safety standards applicable to industrial perimeters

Our experts can help you understand and assess your maturity regarding reference standards such as IEC 62 443 or applicable regulations (LPM, NIS, NIS2).

Automated risk management

We offer solutions to automate and standardise your risk management processes, by setting up specialised service centres and adopting industry-specific security standards.

Customized technology solutions

In partnership with the market’s technological leaders, we integrate customised industrial risk management tools, such as EGERIE RM, for a consolidated and dynamic vision of your safety posture.

Comprehensive expertise in industrial risk management

Our teams’ proven expertise in industrial safety

Our consultants have extensive experience in industrial risk analysis and demonstrate exceptional mastery of the standards and methodologies specific to industrial safety. Committed to the quest for excellence, a large majority of our consultants are certified, proof of their expertise and ability to pass on their knowledge, positioning them as leaders in the field of industrial safety.

A wealth of references across different sectors

Our experience covers a wide range of sectors, including energy, chemicals, manufacturing, and transportation. For these industries, we have set up dedicated service centres, enabling optimised management of industrial risks and offering solutions adapted to complex issues, ranging from process safety to the security of industrial information systems.

Mastering tooling

To help you integrate the Egerie RM tool, we have set up a team of around twenty specially trained consultants who regularly exchange information with the technical and R&D teams at Egerie.

Our customer references

Business sector: Energy

  • Drafting of a service catalog: project support, infrastructure security, IAM, work environments
  • Service delivery: 20 FTEs working on risk analysis and integrating safety into projects
  • Specific support for certain strategic businesses via dedicated safety correspondents.

Business sector: Transportation

  • Support with the setup of the tool
  • Creation of a change management communication kit for various teams
  • Creation of an ISP form.

Sector: Manufacturing and electrical installations

  • Carrying out a company-wide risk analysis
  • Support in integrating safety into projects
  • Creation of a change management communication kit for various teams
  • Creation of an ISP form.

Business sector: Industry Wellness

  • Development of a risk toolkit applicable to other industrial sites.
  • Maturity assessment of a pilot platform.
  • Risk mapping of a pilot site and associated tooling.


What are the main challenges facing cyber risk management in the industrial sector?

Cyber risk management in industry faces unique challenges:

  • IT/OT convergence: The convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) increases exposure to cyber-attacks, making industrial systems more vulnerable. Securing this “connection” requires a thorough understanding of both domains.
  • System complexity: Industrial environments are characterized by a wide variety of old and new systems. Risk management must take this heterogeneity into account, often without the need to interrupt critical operations.
  • Lack of visibility: Many industrial infrastructures suffer from a lack of visibility over their IoT networks, making it difficult to identify and monitor cyber threats.

How can I improve the cyber risk management in my industrial organization?

To strengthen cyber risk management in the industrial sector, consider the following steps:

  • Dedicated risk assessment: Carry out industry-specific cyber risk assessments to identify critical vulnerabilities and potential threats, considering the specific nature of IoT systems.
  • Reinforce OT layer security: Implement specific security measures to protect OT systems, such as network segmentation, access control and anomaly monitoring.
  • Specific training and awareness: Develop training programs tailored to IT and OT staff, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity and the best practices specific to each area.

Which cybersecurity standards and regulations are particularly relevant to the industrial sector?

Several standards and regulations specifically govern cybersecurity in the industrial sector:

  • IEC 62443: A series of international standards designed to secure industrial and automated control systems against cyber-attacks.
  • NIST SP 800-82: Guide to the security of industrial control systems, offering recommendations on how to protect and secure ICS/SCADA systems.
  • NIS Directive (Network and Information Security): In Europe, this directive aims to increase the level of security of networks and information systems within the union, including in critical sectors such as energy, transport and water.

Let's stay in touch

Our experts can provide you with ongoing support for your cyber issues. Do you have a question? You’ve come to the right place, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours!

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